Reforestation of Red Mangroves in the Bay Islands National marine park
Ce projet se concentrera sur le reboisement de la forêt de mangrove dans les zones dégradées par l’activité anthropique autour de l’île de Roatan. Par conséquent, il sera réalisé dans différentes communautés comme Flowers Bay, Pensacola, Sandy Bay, Mud Hole, Punta Gorda, Santa Helena et Politilly Bight.
Vigie Sanctuaire
Vigie Sanctuaire est l’unique programme polynésien ayant pour objectif de mieux comprendre et de réduire le risque de collision entre les navires à grande vitesse et les baleines.
Through the eyes of our elders – capturing stories of the past to build hope for a better future.
The Ropes of Hope (one of the CMCDCoLtd projects):
Our goal is to halt and reverse the decline of the coral reefs of the Mafia Island Marine Park through research, set up of coral nurseries and ex-planting on destroyed reef together with divers trained from the local communities, support to communities in alternative income activities and less destructive use of their marine resources as well as collecting the wisdom of the elders through participatory methodologies that will allow us to leverage their lifelong learning for conservation and regeneration, to be used in raising awareness in island communities, schools and conservation clubs.
Restoring Sazan Island
This current application follows the work that is already done in terms of collaboration with relevant stakeholders and in the implementation of awareness raising activities. In addition, it allows to extend the conservation and management activities in a broader range, that of ecological restoration.